Digression: The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.

The world is scary enough, but it’s also spooky movie season, although Hallmark Channel and its rival Great American Channel, just pretty much jump over it from “fall harvest” where everyone is drinking hot apple cider and picking out pumpkins — right into Christmas movies.  Why they do this I don’t know? And it’s likeContinue reading “Digression: The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.”

Digression: Faux Widow’s walk and other thoughts.

Was a hectic couple of weeks. Trying to stay centered going day by day. Taxes have been mailed out, and real estate taxes paid at the town hall. On one of my trips to the centre of town, I noticed this on the roof of a local sub shop — and to note, it isContinue reading “Digression: Faux Widow’s walk and other thoughts.”

December 23, 2022, storm surge on top of 11.6 Tide. — Things I find on the beach-reblog via Things I Find on the Beach…Digression…

It was a long day on Friday, December 23, 2022, as Boston Harbor paid us a pre-Christmas visit, about a foot and half of water in the front part of our cellar. Luckily the furnace is up on blocks, as our the washer/dryer we replaced from the last flood in 2018. With climate change and […]Continue reading “December 23, 2022, storm surge on top of 11.6 Tide. — Things I find on the beach-reblog via Things I Find on the Beach…Digression…”