Digression: On jams–not the preserves.

A brawl or a melee of some sort — my dad used to call them — jams.  “Be ready,” he said. “To take cover or get out.  And make sure you always know where the exits are.” This past week coming home from work on the subway train nearly got caught in a jam. TheContinue reading “Digression: On jams–not the preserves.”

Digression: Father’s Day 2017

People are still looking for my dad. After his chemo he always wore a little cap, sort of like a driving cap/golfer’s cap, here in Boston some folks call them scully caps.  But he favored ones that were slim and often I would buy six of them in Filene’s Basement or Marshall’s then then heContinue reading “Digression: Father’s Day 2017”

Digression. As simply as that — it becomes personal.

Thoughts that hover around me today — are when “an attack” becomes personal. When they — whoever they are — attack your home town, purposely and with vengeance.  Something that means a lot or something very typical, something we often take for granted, something they — who ever they are — fear or despise along with noContinue reading “Digression. As simply as that — it becomes personal.”

Literary Digression: Anne with an “E”

Via Lithub I read an interesting essay/editorial at the Atlantic magazine online, which discussed the new Netflix series, adaptation of Anne of Green Gables.  The author talks about how after viewing the adaptation and then re-reading the book, she got more of a sense of the darkness.  In the new adaptation there will be more ofContinue reading “Literary Digression: Anne with an “E””

Excerpt: Jane Austen The Secret Radical by Helena Kelly (upcoming book).

Essay/excerpt about Jane Austen including: her life, previous Austen biographies re: their sources, problems with documentation, her letters, and also the large influence of media/adaptations of Austen’s books, and various other subjects.  Little bit long for standalone excerpt/essay — via the site — Lithub — Excerpt from the book: Jane Austen The Secret Radical by HelenaContinue reading “Excerpt: Jane Austen The Secret Radical by Helena Kelly (upcoming book).”