Letter to Fanny Austen (Knight), ? Thursday, 24 July 1806

In the collected letters of Jane Austen, so wonderfully researched and annotated by Deirdre Le Faye, which I have been blogging off and on; along with my other mostly literary theme essays — Austen’s letters are chiefly addressed to her older sister and confidante Cassandra Austen, although occasionally a letter to one of her brothers,Continue reading “Letter to Fanny Austen (Knight), ? Thursday, 24 July 1806”

Pride and Prejudice — Aunt Gardner the unsung heroine of righting, wrong First Impressions.

This past December 2023, I re-read Pride and Prejudice, which I usually try to do every year. The original title of the book was actually: “First Impressions.”  Got me to thinking how adept Austen is about human nature, and in this novel particularly both with Darcy and Wickham, how first impressions may certainly be misleading.Continue reading “Pride and Prejudice — Aunt Gardner the unsung heroine of righting, wrong First Impressions.”